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Topic 1: Germany’s Changing Position in Europe               and the World

Lesson 2
Step #2: Extending and Refining Information

Strategy: Debating an Issue

  • How are the United States and Germany/Europe interdependent?


Have students complete a member nation profile for the United States. Teacher Resource #3: Topic 1, Lesson 2 (Nation Profile for the United States of America.) Put the profile next to the profiles of the countries who are members of the European Union.

Discuss the profiles in class, point out significant information. Have the students work in groups to consider the following issue:

There are two schools of thought about the relationship of the European Union to the United States. One is that it should be a counterweight to the United States. The other is that America should be a partner.

Have each group decide whether cooperation or competition would be the better approach for the European Union in its relations with the United States. Make copies of Handout #2: Topic 1, Lesson 2 (Europeans debate relations with U.S.) and distribute them to the groups. Have them support their decision with specific references in the handout.

Select students on either side of the issue to conduct a debate. Have them use their group notes as support in the debate. Have the rest of the class take notes and ask questions after the debate is finished.

Ask each member of the class to choose a position; and, individually, have them write a paragraph supporting one side of the issue or the other.