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Topic 3: Economic Issues Affect Cooperation               between Germany, the European               Union, and Other Nations

Lesson 2

Focus Question #2

Why are there difficulties in trying to
set international environmental standards?

  • How should efforts to protect Germany’s environment be funded?
  • Why would Germany’s pollution problems be of concern to the European Union as a whole?

Alignment to National Standards

Background Information

Pollution does not recognize political boundaries. For that reason, the European Union has made environmental protection a major part of its current agenda. Industrial pollutants, burgeoning population, and reduction of natural wildlife habitats are problems facing all the EU member states. European Union efforts at cleaning up environmental problems often meet resistance from countries whose economies are tied to industries that contribute significantly to environmental degradation.

Essential Content

Note: The following words/concepts are essential to an understanding of this lesson. Put the words on your word wall and use them in context as you teach the lesson.
Sustainable growth
EU environmental policy