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Topic 2: Governing the European Union

Lesson 1

Focus Question #1

How is the European Union governed?

  • What is the structure of the European Union?
  • What are the similarities and differences between the “Preamble of the United States Constitution and the “European Union’s Statement of Values and Objectives?
  • How are laws made in the European Union?
  • What problems confront the European Union when formulating one foreign policy for a diverse group of countries?

Alignment to National Standards

Background Information

The European Union is an institutional framework for fostering unity and cooperation among European Countries. It is a new stage in a cooperative process begun in the 1950’s with the establishment of the European Community.

The European Community was a political creation committed to an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe. This community was originally called the Common Market because of its focus on establishing a single trading entity.

The European Union has often been compared to the United States and there are some similarities. Member states have agreed to give up some of their power for the sake of unity, just as the American states did to create a federal republic. Member states have agreed to take joint actions in foreign policy under the new Union, while retaining their power in such fields as home security and defense. Although the United States model continues to inspire the search for political unity, Europe is constructing its own model for unification, ensuring respect for its richest asset – the historical, cultural and linguistic diversity of the European nations.

Essential Content

Note: The following words/concepts/processes/institutions are essential to an understanding of this lesson. Put the words on your Word Wall and use them in context as you teach the lesson.

Governing Institutions of the European Union

The European Commission
Council of Ministers
European Parliament
Court of Justice
Court of Auditors
Knowledge of How Laws are Made in the European Union
Basic Understanding of the Structure of the United States Government

Preamble to the Constitution
Bill of Rights
Organization and Operation of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government
Problems Associated With Implementing a Common Foreign Policy in the European Community

Immediate Voice of European Opinion
Willingness to Assert Its Political Will
Differing Views on the Use of Force to Achieve Foreign Policy Objectives